2024 Email Changes

Feeling confused?

Email Marketing changes are Taking Effect on February 1, 2024

If you use email marketing in your business, you've likely received an email (or ten) from your email marketing platform about changes going into effect on February 1, 2024 from Google or messages telling you that you need to update your domain's DNS records.

And you may be feeling confused or even overwhelmed by these messages— What do they mean? Do they even apply to you? What are you supposed to do? And, how do you make the changes so you are compliant by February 1?

Essentially, Google and Yahoo are requiring additional security and verification to allow you to continue emailing people with Gmail and Yahoo email addresses. There are a few moving parts, but the one proving to be the most bumpy for implementing as small businesses and solopreneurs are changes to the DNS records.

The changes/updates required for most email senders under these new rules are relatively simple to implement, but they do require you to get under the figurative hood of your website/domain which can be a really overwhelming and confusing task for many of business owners.

So if you're feeling overwhelmed or confused, I am offering Mini Sessions over the next several days where you and I will hop on Zoom and make the necessary updates/changes together.

Email Changes Mini Session

20-30 minutes in length
Zoom Video Call

Let Me Help

A Mini SEssion For You

You can now book an Email Changes Mini Session with me where we'll work together to update your email marketing account and get you in compliance with the new rules.

During your one-on-one session, I will be your Tech Guide helping you understand how these changes impact you and then walking through the necessary changes with you.

I will also share more with you about what the larger changes mean, along with some best practices for ensuring you can continue using your email list and making sure people are seeing your messages.

I’ll guide you from tech overwhelm to peace of mind!

A Stress-Free Zone

A Simple SEssion to ditch the overwhelm

We can work through these email changes together, so you don’t have to figure it out on your own!

Simply use the button below to schedule your Email Changes Mini Session. I’ve opened up extra time in my schedule over the next few days to make sure we have a chance to connect before the changes go into effect on February 1, 2024.

Once you have your call scheduled, there are just a few things you can pull together to ensure that we can get these changes made in our allotted time:

  • Your login information for your email marketing platform, which is the platform you log in to send messages to your email list (some options are Mailchimp, CovertKit, Flodesk, Squarespace, etc.)

  • Your login information for your domain provider-- this is the company you pay for your domain such as GoDaddy, Squarespace, Namecheap, etc.

  • Any emails you've received from your email marketing platform about these changes taking effect on February 1, 2024 or any notices from them about updates you need to make to your account (these messages may include things about DNS records, setting up DKIM or SPF, or authenticating your email or sender info).

Then, just join our call at your scheduled time and we'll get to work. :)

Email Changes Mini Session

20-30 minutes in length
Zoom Video Call